Networking and Multi-platformity. Polish Media Convergence Strategies
new media, media convergence, graphs, networksAbstract
This article aims to explore and conceptualise modern convergence strategies. The Polish market will be examined. A multidisciplinary approach to the convergence intends to explain the in statu nascendi phenomenon, to discover different aspects of the convergence. Presented analyses concentrate on introduced convergence strategies in the Polish media.Media products of the Polish Media company ITI Group will be analyzed. The analyses are of symptomatic, not universal, character. They report of a growing importance of the phenomenon which is constantly under development, and which in Poland is in the initial stage. The analyses present different aspects of the convergence and constitute examples of new strategies on the Polish market, such as multiple-platform use, intermediality, or use of the economic and cultural synergy effect due to crossing production and promotion.Downloads
How to Cite
Kopecka-Piech, K. (2011). Networking and Multi-platformity. Polish Media Convergence Strategies. Observatorio (OBS*), 5(1).