Journalistic Television Coverage of Immigration in Portugal: 2003-2006


  • Isabel Ferin Cunha University of Coimbra, Journalistic Studies Institute



Media Studies, Television, Immigration, Journalistic Coverage, Portugal, TV Journalism


This article aims to discuss the journalistic television coverage of immigration in Portugal, between 2003 and 2006, on the three signal open national television channels: RTP1 (Rádio Televisão Portuguesa), SIC (Sociedade Independente de Comunicação) and TVI (Televisão Independente). The article begins by presenting a brief framing on Immigration and the Media in Europe over the last decades, and then the Portuguese media field is contextualized in regard to the years analyzed. Afterwards, the empirical study research design is presented and discussed based on the concepts of agenda-setting, cultural control, primary definers and moral panic, taking Stuart Hill's theoretical framework. Finally, quantitative data concerning the journalistic coverage of immigration during prime-time is explored in a comparative approach for the three television channels under scrutiny. Cobertura Jornalística Televisiva da Imigração: 2003-2006 Este artigo debruça-se sobre a cobertura televisiva da imigração em Portugal entre 2003 e 2006, nos canais de sinal aberto RTP, SIC e TVI. Após uma breve apresentação das perspectivas europeias sobre a Imigração e os Media na Europa, traça-se um panorama dos Media em Portugal relativo aos anos analisados. Em seguida, tendo em conta o estudo empírico realizado, e com base em Stuart Hall, discutem-se os conceitos de agenda-setting, controlo cultural, definidores primários e pânico moral. Por último, são apresentados comparativamente, os dados relativos à análise da cobertura jornalística da imigração no prime-time dos canais de sinal aberto.

Author Biography

Isabel Ferin Cunha, University of Coimbra, Journalistic Studies Institute

Holds a degree in History by the Faculty of Arts-University of Lisbon (1974), Master (1984) and Doctor (1987) in Communication Sciences by the University of São Paulo, Brazil and Pos-Doc in France (CNRS, 1991). She was a lecturer in University of São Paulo from 1983 until 1991 and Assistant Professor in Catholic University from 1992 until 2002. Since September 2002, she is teaching at the Journalistic Studies Institute - University of Coimbra, where she is an Associated Professor and Director (2006-08). She was vice-president of the Research Center of Media and Journalism (2004-2006) and has been coordinating some projects approved by the Science and Technology National Foundation, namely Journalism and Acts of Democracy, and Television and Images of Difference. She participates in international investigation networks, namely in the Ibero-American Observatory of Television. She also coordinates a research team that is developing the project Media, Immigration and Ethnic Minorities, in partnership with the High Commission for Immigration and Ethnical Minorities (ACIME), designated, since 2007, High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue. Her areas of interest are: Analysis of the Media (Press and Television); Publics, Audiences and Reception.




How to Cite

Ferin Cunha, I. (2008). Journalistic Television Coverage of Immigration in Portugal: 2003-2006. Observatorio (OBS*), 2(4).


