Quels médias pour se ré-approprier une voix? L’investissement d’internet par le mouvement dalit.


  • Floriane Zaslavsky Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Centre d’Études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud), EHESS




Internet, mouvements sociaux, Inde, mobilisation en ligne, dalit


This presentation is aiming at exposing the media strategy of the dalit movement, an Indian social movement lead by activists, who belong to the so-called « untouchable » populations. This study is especially centered on the way they build media spaces that are seen as both free and safe, allowing them to produce discourses within their community through the mobilisation of the socio-technical tools of the internet. We will expose to begin with the relationship of this movement with the Indian media, marked by a strong rejection fed by a feeling of exclusion. Then, we shall discuss their occupation and mobilisation strategies on the online space, perceived as a place of memory, a safe bubble, as well as an ideological battlefield.




How to Cite

Zaslavsky, F. (2016). Quels médias pour se ré-approprier une voix? L’investissement d’internet par le mouvement dalit. Observatorio (OBS*). https://doi.org/10.15847/obsOBS0020161089